Yellowstone Road Trip: Vicki & Anna (part 2)

Anna and I explored Yellowstone Lake almost immediately after we arrived at our hotel.  This was a very short distance away and the really nice thing, was that you had to climb down a fairly steep sandy bank, so that kept the majority of the people away.  We basically saw no one as we walked up and down the shore.  It was awesome!

I can’t remember exactly which hike this was from, but I like it a lot.

Just in case you thought I forgot about Vicki, the next three are from our long hikes around the various hot springs areas.

I really love this one.

Here Anna is standing on a hot spring vent in the middle of the parking area. We both thought it was pretty neat that they just decided to build around this vent.  It was fairly chilly at this time of day (~8:50am local time), so finding a warm random vent was a pleasant surprise!

Again, I can’t recall exactly which hike this next one was from, but I like it a lot.

These final three pictures were from our day at the Grand Teton National Park. The scenery here was incredible, every bit as amazing as anything we had seen.

This final picture was one of the rewards for hiking up trail which climbed about 1000 ft.  It was well worth the effort!

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